
Верховный Суд
Российской Федерации

Российский государственный университет правосудия

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Научные студенческие кружки


 План кружка по дисциплине «Иностранный язык в юриспруденции»

 на 2023/2024 учебный год

Научный руководитель кружка: Власичева В.В.,  к.ф.н., ст.преподаватель кафедры языкознания и иностранных языков

 Заседания кружка:


Темы занятий

(Lesson topics)



 Ситуации общения (communication situations)



“Interesting court cases”

Professional vocabulary within the legal context

Discussing peculiar trials


IMRAD as a structure of a research article

Professional vocabulary within the legal context (law, economics, sociology, etc.)

Discussing questions about the structure of a research article; the standard of IMRAD (introduction, methods, results and discussion); academic writing; Scopus and Web of Science; writing rules of students’ research paper.


“Writing Abstracts in English ”

Questions to the parts of an abstract; phrases signaling the purpose of each part of an abstract; four groups of the phrases according to their functions(1-4); sentences matching to abstract parts 1-5(background, aims, approach, results, conclusion)

Discussing the purposes of writing abstracts; the parts of an abstract; the purpose of each part of an abstract.


Language of presentation

Presentation structure Phrases for your introduction; Phrases for the main parts of your presentation; Phrases for your conclusion; Phrases for managing questions

Preparation for public speaking


Presentations of research articles

Professional vocabulary within the legal context (law, economics, sociology, etc.)

Discussion of presentations


Presenting your company

Company profile – useful language (greeting, topic, plan of the talk, aims)

A model presentation (listening task), preparing a presentation of a company (oral task)


Intellectual property

Intellectual property, license, reproduction, trademarks, competition, permission, remedy, monopoly, solutions, disclosure

Discussing questions about intellectual property, reading and discussing the article, listening to telephone conversation between a lawyer and a customer

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